the way of creative thinking

for integral innovatioN
Founded in 1992 in Stuttgart, Germany by Prof. George Teodorescu.
The vision: addressing comprehensively the domain of Creativity:
- Researching the sources, the nature and the effects of Creativity on human life, society and economy, creating the new domain of Kenotomy©.
- Enhancing the creative aptitude of students and of professionals active in creative activities by specific and dedicated programs
- Inspiring original solutions and new domains of activity for companies and institutions by Think Tanks and visionary horizon outline (applicative extension, shifting potential by new approaches etc)
- Empowering communities by stimulating their creative outcome and refreshing their life quality by on-site projects addressing their Habitat, by original problem-solving with local resources and local talent.
Creativity is an inborn human aptitude and no aspect of human individual or social life shouldmiss a fresh approach and imaginative mind work. Creativity avoids the ruinous routine, which is wasting passion and vital energy, and slows down the mental acuity and diligence.
Our kenotomic understanding of mind’s clockwork shows the importance of both: a high level of abstraction, far beyond pragmatic one, and of cognitive and emotional vectors like: curiosity, freshness, passion, speculation, humour, courage in triggering and boosting the creative modeof original thinking.
On this solid and seminal approach is based our methodology for educating, consulting and community development.